
characterization of fine aggregates in concrete by different

 — 2.1. Cement and Sand (Fine Aggregate) According to IS 8112-2013 [], 43 grade ordinary Portland cement (OPC) was employed as a binder during the whole investigation.A sieve test was used to assess the cement fineness and observed that the residue on 90 µ sieve was 8%, which is less than 10%, as required for OPC.

 — These fine aggregates are essential components in concrete mixtures and play a crucial role in determining the properties of the resulting concrete. Typically …

As parts of natures, physical characteristics of fine aggregate are highly relevant to its behaviors in concrete. The most of previous studies are mainly focused on the physical …

 — A high-early-strength Portland cement (ASTM Type III; 438 m 2 /kg Blaine fineness) was used. Coarse aggregate was crushed granite stone with a maximum size …

Shape characteristics of fine aggregates with different origins but in similar size ranges are revealed by this study. Compared with coarse aggregate, fine grains of different origins generally have similar shape differences. ... Hu J, Stroeven P (2006). Shape characterization of concrete aggregate. Image Anal Stereol 25:43–53. Krumbein WC ...

However, a systematic microstructural characterization of recycled aggregate concrete has not been reported. This work studies the use of fine recycled aggregate to replace fine natural aggregate in the production of concrete and reports the resulting microstructures.

 — Physical, chemical and mineralogical characterization of fine aggregates from construction and demolition waste recycling plants. J. Clean. Prod. (2013) ... slag on the mechanical properties and mesoscopic damage mechanisms of recycled aggregate concrete compared to natural aggregate concrete at different ages.

 — In this context, use of different alternative fine aggregates (AFA) from different sources can be considered as an effective elucidation. ... (Khatib, 2005; Solyman, 2005; Fan et al., 2015). Nowadays, utilization of RFA as a replacement to fine aggregates in concrete is being popularised. Major sources for RFA are concrete, bricks, glass ...

 — In present study, two different sizes i.e., gradation I and II, for both bituminous concrete (BC) and dense bituminous macadam (DBM) of aggregates are castoff to investigate the influence of gradation on four different shapes (i.e., round, angular, flaky and elongated). Subsequently, traditional methods and 3D optical scanner image …

 — Shape characteristics of fine aggregates with different origins but in similar size ranges are revealed by this study. Compared with coarse aggregate, fine grains of different origins generally have similar shape differences. ... Hu J, Stroeven P (2006). Shape characterization of concrete aggregate. Image Anal Stereol 25:43-53. Krumbein …

 — In addition, the experimental results were compared to those of mortars containing fine normal-weight aggregates (NWAs). These investigations clarified the effect of mechanical properties and porosity of the ITZ on the inherent strength of cement mortars with different aggregate types and W/B ratios.

 — A type of IFW from a local machine workshop was used to replace the conventional fine aggregate, fine natural sand (FNS), at percentages of 25%, 50% 75%, and by the weight of FNS of the …

 — Abbas AL-Ameeri. University of Brighton. Citations (13) References (13) Figures (6) Development of compressive strength of concrete with SF &SN sand… Evolution of degree of hydration of...

This Bulletin describes types of aggregates normally used in concrete, aggregate properties affecting performance of the concrete, tests used to measure aggregate properties, and …

 — Alexander and Milne [18] have observed a similar relationship when the source of both fine and coarse aggregates is the same. The influence of fine aggregate source on elastic modulus of concrete is also shown in Fig. 5. At early ages, the evolution of elastic modulus is closely related to texture and shape of fine aggregate, when the paste ...

In this study, different types of fine aggregate used in concrete, namely river sand and crushed limestone, are selected for morphological characterization. Traditional sieve analysis and laser diffraction method are employed for separation and size analysis of …

T1 - Physical, chemical and mineralogical characterization of Dutch fine recycled concrete aggregates. T2 - A comparative study. AU - Nedeljković, Marija. AU - Visser, Jeanette. AU - Nijland, Timo G. AU - Valcke, Siska. AU - Schlangen, Erik. PY - 2021. Y1 - 2021

 — In this study, GOTs were utilized as partial replacement material (0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, and 30% by weight) to fine aggregates such as river sand (RS) and low calcium fly ash (FA) as binder material in the manufacture of geopolymer concrete (GPC) along with recycled coarse aggregates.

 — An attempt to substitute in concrete the 5% by weight of fine aggregate (natural sand) with an equal weight of PET aggregates manufactured from the waste un-washed PET bottles (WPET), is presented. ... Specimens with different cement content and water/cement ratio were manufactured. Rheological characterization on fresh concrete …

 — Eight different concrete mixes characterized by different substitution levels of the two types of plastic aggregates are considered in this study. Two different substitutions are considered: only PET powder substitution of fine aggregates (PET) and simultaneous substitution of PET powder and mix-plastic granules of fine and coarse aggregates (MIX).

 — A reference mix with an average compressive strength of around 60 MPa is considered. Recycled polyethylene terephthalate (PET) powder and recycled mixed plastic [polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE)] granules were adopted to substitute fine and coarse aggregates. Two different substitution strategies were employed.

 — Advanced characterization techniques and concrete technology tools are needed to account for limiting properties of fRCA in concrete mix design. ... Fine recycled concrete aggregates (fRCA) (< 4 ... prepared with different fine aggregates: (a) UHPC with natural fine aggregate (NFA) (quartz or river sand), (b) UHPC with NFA partially …

 — 1. Introduction. Concrete is the most used construction material, with estimated annual production of 10 billion cubic meters [1].Since 60–80% of the concrete volume is taken by aggregates, the overall consumption of natural aggregates (sand and gravel) is very high, generating huge pressure on surrounding ecosystems [2].The environmental …

 — This is due to the fact that the tested fine aggregates (0-2 mm) have a higher paste content than the global concrete [35], resulting in a higher C binder of NRCA than that of typical concrete. Thus, within the typical w/c ratio (0.4-0.5), the potential C unhydrated of NRCA (0-2 mm) can be calculated by Equation (6), which is between 6.2% and ...

Fig. 1: Affect of Fineness Modulus of Fine Aggregate on Concrete Mix Design. 2. Moisture Content . ... Fine aggregate can be found in four different moisture conditions namely: oven-dry (OD), air-dry (AD), saturated-surface dry (SSD) and wet. Only OD and SSD correspond to a specific moisture state and can be used as reference states for ...

Fine aggregate can be found in four different moisture conditions namely: oven-dry (OD), air-dry (AD), saturated-surface dry (SSD) and wet. Only OD and SSD correspond to a specific moisture state and can be used as …

 — Strength and impact resistance properties of concrete having Fine Bone China Ceramic (FBCC) aggregate as fine aggregates was studied by Siddique et al. [6]. They reported that, replacement of natural river sand by FBCC aggregate results in enhanced mechanical strength and impact resistance properties, which was validated by …

 — PO 42.5 cement, fine sand, and coarse aggregate are used to prepare phase-change concrete. The mixing ratio of concrete was calculated according to the "Specification for mix proportion design of ordinary concrete" [27]. The mass ratio of PO 42.5 cement, fine sand, coarse aggregate, and water is 19.6 %: 27.6 %: 43.2 %: 9.6 %.

In this study, different types of fine aggregate used in concrete, namely river sand and crushed limestone, are selected for morphological characterization. Traditional sieve analysis and laser ...

 — The other property that differs greatly relative to fine natural aggregates. Conclusions. In this work the physical and chemical properties relevant for the incorporation of aggregates in concrete were determined in 10 samples of fine aggregates from CDW obtained from seven Portuguese plants located in various geographical and geological …

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