
essay on illegal mining in ghana

Artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) plays a significant socio-economic role in the alleviation of poverty. In Ghana, the increase in and persistence of illegal ASM (galamsey) can be explained by unemployment, cumbersome and costly registration, lack of land, corruption and Chinese engagement.Traditionally, Ghanaian governments have …

 — The small-scale mining sector in Ghana is an important contributor to job creation for people in rural communities due to lack of sufficient-paying alternative jobs (Hilson and Banchirigah, 2009; Amponsah-Tawiah and Dartey-Baah, 2011).About 85% of the estimated one million people who are directly or indirectly employed in the small …

 — Illegal mining has emerged as a pressing issue with significant implications for economic growth and development in Ghana. This systematic review examines the impact of illegal mining on the country's economy and its overall development trajectory. The study focuses on the adverse effects of illegal mining, including environmental …

cause disruption. The illegal small-scale mining has invaded or infiltrated districts with devise operations to extract gold, due to inadequate alternative livelihoods in the mining areas in Ghana (Teschner, 2011). Mining is seen as a major subsistence for the poor rural communities in many parts of the world. (Eshun, 2005).

While the engagement of Chinese migrants in small-scale mining in Ghana has gained traction in scholarship, the extant literature pays little attention to how the relationship between the so-called formal institutions (e.g., the Minerals Commission and Ministry of Land and Natural Resources) and informal institutions (e.g., the chieftaincy and …

This story map captures the breath taking story of illegal gold mining activities in Ghana. It illustrates the effects of unregulated surface and alluvial mining activities have affected major river bodies and how the government is deploying GIS technology to …

Illegal gold mining is an acute problem in Ghana. Activities of illegal miners threaten the environmental and social unity of the country. This research, however, highlights illegal

 — AI offers promising solutions to the complex problem of illegal mining in Ghana. Through satellite imagery analysis, drone surveillance, predictive analytics, and community reporting tools, AI can significantly enhance the detection and prevention of unauthorized mining activities. Successful case studies demonstrate the practical …

 — The problem of illegal gold mining in Ghana is exacerbated by the unrestricted flow of heavy-duty mining equipment. On the bases of the aforementioned findings, all the five hypotheses namely, H 1, H 2, H 3, H 4, and H 5, were ... (2008) From Max Weber. Essays in sociology, vol 3. Routledge & Kegan, London, pp 16–24. …

 — Although the majority of Chinese interests in African mining is state sponsored, the Ghana case demonstrates private Chinese agency that is mostly attracted to illegal small-scale mining in Ghana due to …

Ghana Priorities: Illegal Mining Technical Report The Problem. Artisanal and Small-Scale gold Mining (ASM) is an important economic activity in several gold-rich developing countries around the world (Kahhat et al., 2019). In Ghana, ASM has provided jobs and supported the livelihoods of many rural communities for over a century (Mantey et al ...

 — Introduction. Mineral wealth is an important asset that can be used to stimulate or enhance economic growth and spur infrastructure development, including the building of schools, hospitals and road networks.1 Mining has played a substantial role in the development of Ghana, which is second only to South Africa in terms of gold …

The study was conducted to assess the effects of small-scale (artisanal) gold mining and its social and economic implications on the people in Amansie West District of Ghana. The artisanal gold mining communities were studied using secondary data from scholarly articles and journals, books, conference papers, research reports, policy documents ...

Looking from these two problems identified above, one is tempted to investigate the impact of illegal mining on the standard of education in Ghana as well as the inhabitants of those in the various communities were this practice tends to be dominant. 2. Local dialect and terms commonly used in illegal mining in Ghana 'Galamsey' is the local ...

3. Discussion 3.1. Drivers of Illegal Mining Activity in Ghana There are many reasons why people engage in activities related to small-scale illegal mining, and most people believe that activities related to small-scale illegal mining are caused by poverty.

 — Illegal gold mining in Ghana further exacerbates a volatile cocoa market. In 2014, experts predicted a global cocoa shortage by 2020. However, cocoa production statistics have been unpredictable ...

With the inception of an Economic Recovery Programme (ERP) by the government in 1983, Ghana's minerals and mining sector has seen a major resurgence over the past one and a half decades.

These crimes include illegal mining, trespassing, theft, illegal entry into the country, and can even be linked to organized crime. The South African government reports that 14,000 individuals have been linked to organized crime syndicates involving illegal mining. This industry is estimated to be valued at $570 million yearly.

 — The previous month, the New Patic Party (NPP), which came to power in January, had launched a five-year project to provide illegal miners with alternative livelihoods in the legal mining sector. Illegal small-scale mining has long proliferated across Ghana, Africa's second and the world's tenth largest gold exporter.

 — Focusing on Ghana, the essay argues that illegal mining is an archetypical public problem, which is value-laden. Such values suggest that practice proliferates …


 — Ghana is one of the world's gold hotspots. It is Africa's largest producer of gold and it ranks sixth globally. In 2023, 4 million ounces were produced. It is essential to Ghana's economy ...

 — This paper provides some insights into the in extricable linkage. between sustainable development and illegal gold mining p opularly referred to as. "galamsey" …

illegal mining in Ghana, there is a need for a systematic review that consolidates existing knowledge and provides a comprehensive understanding of the impacts on economic growth and development. (b) Limited focus on interconnected impacts: The existing literature often examines the impacts of illegal mining in

 — Taken together, the literature on illegal mining in Ghana has focused on explaining the underlying causal drivers. The poor socioeconomic condition of people in mining communities offers a powerful push for them to engage in illegal mining. This was exacerbated by the implementation of the SAP in developing countries, including Ghana.

 — Movers, Motives, and Impact of Illegal Small-Scale Mining: A Case Study in Ghana Keywords Africa -galamsey -Ghana -gold -illegal mining -resource curse AQ 1 AQ 2 May 2021 Authors:

 — Downloadable! Illegal mining has emerged as a pressing issue with significant implications for economic growth and development in Ghana. This systematic review examines the impact of illegal mining on the country's economy and its overall development trajectory. The study focuses on the adverse effects of illegal mining, …

illegal mining in Ghana, there is a need for a systematic review that consolidates existing knowledge and provides a comprehensive understanding of the impacts on economic …

 — Illegal mining has emerged as a pressing issue with significant implications for economic growth and development in Ghana. This systematic review examines the impact of illegal mining on the ...

 — The Media Coalition against illegal mining, which comprises major media organisations in the country, was formed in April 2017. Its role has undoubtedly made illegal mining a national issue that requires national attention. US$11.7 million for Degbiwu and Gbiniyiri licenses in Ghana

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