
goldfields ghana limited tarkwa mine

Tarkwa and Damang are located in the western region of Ghana, which is also home to other gold mines; The Tarkwa mine is located in the Tarkwa/Nsuaem municipality, which has a total population of 90,477 (2010 census), though the mine's host communities only have a population of 47,861.

Gold Fields' operations in Ghana comprise the Tarkwa and Damang gold mines, in which the Government of Ghana owns a 10% free-carry shareholding. Gold Fields divested its 45% interest in the Asanko gold …

In March 2023, Gold Fields announced a proposed JV between Tarkwa mine in Ghana and AngloGold Ashanti's neighbouring Iduapriem mines. The companies have agreed on the key terms, and soon after the announcement, started negotiations with the Ghanaian government and other stakeholders to formalise the JV.

Gold Fields Ghana Limited operates several mines and is a subsidiary of Gold Fields Limited, focusing on sustainable mining practices in Ghana. ... with annual production in excess of 935,000 ounces from its two …

 — Gold Fields and AngloGold Ashanti are not considering a full-scale merger after they agreed to combine their neighbouring Tarkwa and Iduapriem mines in Ghana to create Africa's biggest gold mine ...

The Tarkwa concession mining leases expire in 2027 and the Teberebie property mining leases expire in 2036. All necessary statutory mining authorisations and permits are in place for the Tarkwa mine lease and …

At Gold Fields Ghana, we are committed to protecting our people from injuries and occupational ill health. Safety remains our Number one Value and we continue to commit resources into making the workplace safe and healthy for employees. Our strategic vision is to achieve zero harm, in line with our declaration that "if we cannot mine safely ...

 — Damang Gold Mine. Spread across an area of 23,666ha, the Damang Gold mine is located 30km north of Tarkwa in South West Ghana. The mine is owned and operated by Abosso Goldfields (AGL), which is owned by Gold Fields Ghana Holdings (71.1%), IAMGOLD (18.9%) and the Ghanaian Government (10%).

At Gold Fields, we are committed to working with trusted organisations and extending our buying footprint to support small-to-medium suppliers in our host communities. Suppliers can contribute to the creation of shared value by employing local workers and/or engaging locally owned suppliers as part of their supply chains.

Gold Fields Ghana Limited (GFGL) was incorporated in Ghana in 1993 as the legal entity holding the Tarkwa concession mining rights. Gold Fields Ghana Holdings Limited holds 71.1% of the issued shares of GFGL. IAMGold, through its affi liates, holds 18.9% and the Government of Ghana holds a 10% free carried interest, as required under the ...

Unit Manager - Supply Chain at Gold Fields Ghana Limited (Tarkwa and Damang Mines) · Experience: Gold Fields Ghana Limited · Education: Coventry University · Location: Tarkwa-Nsuaem Municipal District · 500+ connections on LinkedIn. View Emmanuel Kingsley Arthur's profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members.

Email:[email protected]. Gold Fields Australia Level 4, 235 St Georges Terrace Perth Western Australia 6000. Telephone: +61 8 9211 9203 / +61 8 9211 9200 Fax: +61 8 9211 9201. Email:[email protected]. Gold … Technical Report – National Instrument 43-101 Tarkwa Gold Mine Ghana, West Africa Effective Date: 31 December 2021 Prepared by Gold Fields Limited Qualified Person Company Date of Signing Dr Julian Verbeek FAusIMM Gold Fields 30 June 2022 Richard Butcher FAusIMM (CP) Gold Fields 30 June 2022

 — Gold Fields Ghana Limited (Tarkwa Mine) won the topmost and coveted Mining Company of the Year award at the 7th Ghana Mining and Industry Awards (GMIA), held in Accra last Friday. The flagship award is bestowed on a mining company that has achieved the highest aggregate score in environmental management, occupational …

Applying to work at Gold Fields We are looking for people who would like to build a career with Gold Fields. We offer diversity and a variety of opportunities in the mining field that provides a challenging, rewarding and stimulating experience for the potential employee.

 — Gold Fields Ghana Limited (Tarkwa Mine) won the topmost and coveted Mining Company of the Year award at the 7 th Ghana Mining and Industry Awards (GMIA), held in Accra last Friday.

 — Examples of these companies are, Goldfields Ghana Limited Tarkwa Mines, Bogoso Mines, Bibiani Mines and Wasa Mines where several youths and adults are employed to work under varying conditions ...

 — Last year, the Damang Mine won the CSI Project of the Year award with the rehabilitated 33-km Tarkwa-Damang road, which the Gold Fields Ghana Foundation funded at a cost of $27.6m.

The Tarkwa plant is located on the mining concession of Gold Fields Limited, a South African mining company. The Tarkwa gold mine in the Tarkwa Nsuaem district of the Western Region of Ghana. The plant is made up of three Solar Mars 100 gas turbines each with a capacity of 11.5MW and two Solar Titan 130s with 16.5MW capacity each. …

In 1961, production restarted under the State Gold Mining Corporation and in 1963 the Tarkwa mines were renamed Tarkwa Goldfields Limited. The Apinto shaft was sunk in the mid-seventies. GFG signed a management contract with the Ghanaian government to operate the mine in 1993, and in 1996 completed an FS on an open pit/heap leach …

Abosso Goldfields Limited (AGL) is a Ghanaian registered company that owns and operates the Damang Gold Mine. Gold Fields Ghana Holdings Limited holds a 71.1% interest in AGL, IAMGold 18.9% and the …

Our Tarkwa mine is well positioned to deliver sustained value. Open Pit; Acquired in 1993; Single largest mine in Ghana; Flagship mine of the Gold Fields Group; Maintains steady production at more than 500,000 …

 — 157 community farmers benefit from Gold Fields Ghana, Tarkwa mine's oil palm initiative . Read more. 20 October 2022. Abosso Goldfields Limited to spend close to US$20m on reclamation activities. Read more. 20 October 2022. Gold Fields Ghana celebrates World Heart Day. Read more. 20 October 2022. Mines and Energy …

Limited (Gold Fields) and its subsidiaries (together referred to as the Group or the Company), comprising the Consolidated Statement of ... Cerro Corona and the Tarkwa and Damang mines in Ghana are certified to the ISO 50001 energy management standard. Our other mines will follow suit.

The Gold Fields Ghana Foundation scholarship scheme was initiated in 2005. To date, 2,448 students from host communities of the Tarkwa and Damang mines have received scholarships and bursaries. Until 2019, the scholarship covered vocational training as well as senior high school and tertiary education.

E&P is currently engaged in hard rock contract mining for Gold Fields Ghana Limited's world class mine in Tarkwa, and Abosso Goldfields Limited in Damang. Between January 2010 and May 2014, E&P also undertook hard rock mining for Golden Star (Wassa) Limited.

 — This Paper therefore studies the community infrastructure development of mining companies with regards to Goldfields Ghana Limited, Tarkwa Mines in Ghana. It also highlights the benefits, prospects and challenges encountered in the course of providing these community infrastructures. Data for the Study was obtained from both primary and ...

This Paper therefore studies the community infrastructure development of mining companies with regards to Goldfields Ghana Limited, Tarkwa Mines in Ghana. It also highlights the benefits, prospects and challenges …

The Damang mine is located about 33 kilometres from the Tarkwa mine, in the south-western part of Ghana. The mine employs more than 2,000 employees and contractors, the majority of whom are from the host …

Funding for the Foundation is primarily through contributions from the Tarkwa and Damang mines, based on their production profitability. For every ounce of gold produced by the mines, one US dollar is donated to the Foundation, in addition to 1.5% of the mines' profits before tax (US$1/oz plus 1.5% of pre-tax profit).

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