
copper tailings ultrafine

Flocculation, rheology and surface/interface properties of ultrafine tailings with PEO were studied. ... Effect of interparticle interactions on the yield stress of thickened flocculated copper mineral tailings slurry. Powder Technol., 392 (2021), pp. 278-285, 10.1016/j.powtec.2021.07.008.

The presence of copper mining wastewater (CMw) in wet copper tailings (CTs) significant impediment to the reutilization of wet CTs in cementing material. This paper investigates the influence of CMw on the performance of waste-based low-clinker cement (Lcc) mortars, aiming to address the fundamental issues related to the …

Efficient thickening of tailings is a prerequisite for the metal mine tailings backfill and surface disposal operation. The effective collision of ultrafine tailings particles in suspension with flocculant molecules is essential for flocs aggregates formation and settling. Unreasonable feeding speed and flocculant adding method will lead to the …

The efficiency of the froth flotation process has long been known to be strongly dependent on particle size. For sulfide minerals, good recoveries are typically achieved in industrial flotation circuits for particles in the 30 to 200 µm size range. Particles outside this critical size are typically lost in industrial operations and rejected to tailings …

Waste management issue in mining industry has become increasingly important. In this regard, construction of tailings dams plays a major role. Most of the tailings dams require some kinds of remedial actions during their operational lifetime, among which heightening is the most common. In the first stage of the remedial …

Ultramafic and mafic deposits are mined economically for valuable metals such as nickel, cobalt and copper, and make up 7% of the total annual global metal value (Peck and Huminicki, 2016). ... The tailings increased to a maximum of 0.83% carbon within the 0–2 cm region while the deepest region of 17–24 cm increased to only 0.32% …

In the case of tailings with the presence of ultrafine quartz content, a clear effect in the increase or decrease of sedimentation efficiency cannot be distinguished with the addition of ...

Recover up to 13% more value from ultra-fine material with Multotec's UX7 ultrafine spiral concentrator. Tailored for use with, chrome, manganese, iron ore, copper, platinum, and other metals and heavy minerals, they recover particle size material of 100 microns and smaller. This ultrafine spiral concentrator is a cost-effective recovery treatment for …

DOI: 10.1016/j.powtec.2023.119002 Corpus ID: 262138440; Effect of solution pH and polyethylene oxide concentration on surface/interface properties, flocculation and rheology of concentrated monodisperse ultrafine synthetic tailings slurry

This study suggests that the cavitation phenomenon caused by ultrasound could improve the flotation tailings of copper sulfides. The tailings consist of fine and ultra-fine particles of gangue, and a percentage of particles containing copper that were not floated due to lack of release and surface contamination.

Effect of interparticle interactions on the yield stress of thickened flocculated copper mineral tailings slurry. Z. Ruan Aixiang Wu +5 authors Sheng Wang. Environmental Science, Engineering ... Rapid dewatering and thickening of whole-tailings with ultrafine particles is one of the most important processes for the whole-tailings …

In the case of tailings with the presence of ultrafine quartz content, a clear effect in the increase or decrease of sedimentation efficiency cannot be distinguished with the addition of flocculants, coagulants, or when working in sea water. ... the effect of the presence of these clays in the solid–liquid separation of synthetic copper ...

Abstract: As ore grades constantly decline, more copper tailings, which still contain a considerable amount of unrecovered copper, are expec-ted to be produced as a byproduct of froth flotation. This research reveals the occurrence mechanism of copper minerals in typical copper sulf- ... recovery of ultrafine copper oxide ore. Feng et al. [18 ...

Cemented paste backfill (CPB) is a key technology for green mining in metal mines, in which tailings thickening comprises the primary link of CPB technology. However, difficult flocculation and substandard concentrations of thickened tailings often occur. The rheological properties and concentration evolution in the thickened tailings remain …

Since the conventional copper ores have been becoming depleted, copper tailings are gaining increasing attention as potential resources. For example, the amount of copper in TSFs is estimated to be of the magnitude of 0.13 Gt, equivalent to ~15% of the current geogenic Cu reserves [20–22]. ... resulting in a loss of ultrafine and coarse ...

The biggest waste streams both in metal value and in volume in mining are tailings, which create long-term environmental liabilities to the companies (Wang et al., 2014) due to the potential for acid rock drainage generation (Simate and Ndlovu, 2014) from sulphidic tailings.Instead of considering the tailings only as an environmental …

For the study of ultra-fine tailings, previous studies about the effects of tailings fineness on the microstructure and strength of CPB samples have been conducted. ... The test apparatus is a copper cone with the dimensions of a height of 50 mm and 70 mm top and 100 mm base diameters. The flow spread diameter was determined as the …

Paste backfill prepared with ultrafine tailings often faces difficulties in meeting engineering requirements. To address the challenge of using ultrafine tailings, this work utilized a slag cemented ultrafine tailings paste backfill (SCUPB) composed of slag, Portland cement, and desulfurized gypsum as the cementitious materials, with a …

DOI: 10.1007/s41062-024-01374-z Corpus ID: 267906386; A review on 3D printable cementitious material containing copper and iron ore tailings: material characterization, activation methods, engineering properties, durability, and microstructure behavior

Flotation is a common mineral processing method used to upgrade copper sulfide ores; in this method, copper sulfide mineral particles are concentrated in froth, and associated gangue minerals are …

In response to these limitations, a series of experimental studies were conducted to determine whether particles previously lost as tailings could be economically recovered using a suite of novel flotation technologies developed for upgrading ultra-coarse and ultra-fine particles in the industrial minerals industry.

Increasing population levels, growing economies, rapid urbanization and changes in consumption patterns have increased the demand for raw materials such as base and precious metals, leading to growing concerns regarding their availability and the global efficiency of the mine supply chain. Mine tailings, consisting of process effluents …

techniques which results in a concentration of metals in the ultrafine and coarse tailings. This is illustrated from the deportment data that is plotted alongside the recovery data in Figure 1. This data was collected from operating plants where samples from the tailings stream were analyzed on a size-by-size basis. As

Therefore, this study focuses on utilizing the ultra-fine copper tailings as the primary raw material to produce customised high-strength ceramsites and investigates the effects of raw material mass ratio and sintering temperature on their physical properties, thermal properties, chemical structure, microscopic morphology, and sintering ...

Ultrafine tailings flocculation is under the action of Brownian motion and turbulence, in which the tailings particles collide with the flocculant and combine to form irregular clusters with fractal characteristics. ... (CFD), acase study: Tailing thickener in the Sarcheshmeh copper mine. Int. J. Min. Sci. Technol. 2013, 23, 885–893. [Google ...

Ultrafine grinding (UFG) was proposed as a pretreatment method prior to cyanide leaching of old plant tailings of a refractory silver ore. Direct cyanidation of the as-received tailings (d80: 100 µm) led to a low silver extraction of only ≤43% over 24 h. A size-based diagnostic study has demonstrated that the refractoriness of the tailings is essentially physical in …

Water-locking flocs formed by ultrafine tailings particles will damage the thickener underflow concentration in the thickening process during paste preparation. The relationship between the mesostructure and seepage characteristics of tail mortar is typically ignored when investigating the deep dehydration stage. A shearing seepage test of an …

The safety and stability of tailings dam is a primary focus of researchers worldwide. With advancements in mineral processing technology, the particle size of tailings has become finer, leading to a range of technical challenges in tailings discharge and storage [].The instability of the fine-grained tailings dam can lead to serious losses …

Ultrasound has been used to enhance flotation recovery of copper tailings. ... to process tailings in classical flotation processes given its potential to improve the recovery of the fine and ultrafine particles. For a standard copper concentrator overall recovery is around 90%, therefore 10% of the feed Cu is lost in the tailings and could be ...

A similar study on reuse of copper tailings was performed to obtain additive to cement mortars from copper tailings in abandoned processing facilities at Leftke, Cyprus (Onuaguluchi and Eren, 2012).

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