
performance of concrete made with manganese slag

 — Abstract. Manganese slag (MS) containing a certain amount of active hydration substances may be used as a kind of cementitious material. In the present study, we measured the mass, the relative...

Concrete made with Mn slag as supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) exhibits very low strength loss and weight loss in the synthetic seawater corrosion and freezing-thawing cycle tests.

 — Ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) is a cement concrete with excellent mechanical strength and durability. As obtained from Zhang's researches, UHPC with reinforced fibers showing high toughness can strengthen RC beams in torsion [ 25 ].

 — The research provides useful reference for knowing about Mn slag and for applying Mn slag to improve the durability of concrete. This paper discusses mineral composition and pore microstructure characteristics of water-cooled manganese slag and its effects on durability of concrete.

 — The obtained experimental results showed that the manganese slag cement replaced by 2~6%( wt) manganese slag has better road performance such as mechanical properties, hydro-abrasive...

 — In the present study, we measured the mass, the relative dynamic modulus of elasticity (RDME), and the flexural and compressive strengths of MS high-performance concrete (MS-HPC) with added basalt fibers exposed to NaCl freeze-thaw cycles (N-FCs), NaCl dry-wet alternations (N-DAs), and Na 2 SO 4 dry-wet alternations (NS-DAs). …

 — Concrete made with Mn slag as supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) exhibits very low strength loss and weight loss in the synthetic seawater corrosion and freezing-thawing cycle tests.

 — In this study, a porous slag was fabricated by applying various cooling conditions to SiMn slag and the usability of the porous slag as a lightweight aggregate for concrete was evaluated. The results of this study are as follows:

 — In the present study, we measured the mass, the relative dynamic modulus of elasticity (RDME), and the flexural and compressive strengths of MS high-performance concrete (MS-HPC) with added basalt fibers exposed to NaCl freeze–thaw cycles (N-FCs), NaCl dry–wet alternations (N-DAs), and Na 2 SO 4 dry–wet alternations (NS-DAs).

 — The experimental results obtained show that ordinary Portland cement added less than 30% by manganese slag was improved in mechanical performances and the cement concrete added less than 30% by manganese slag was not changed significantly.

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