
to treat soil acidity in ethiopia

These acidic soils, which cover an estimated 41% of the arable land in Ethiopia, are inherently infertile and exhibit aluminium (Al) or manganese (Mn) toxicity, which are generally considered to be the major limiting factor for plant growth in acidic soils. The major factors leading to acid soils in western Ethiopia include erosion of topsoil ...

Soil acidity is one of the most important environmental threats to the Ethiopian highlands where the livelihood of the majority of people is reliant on …

It also provides important information on management options to amend soil acidity and improve the entire fertility of soils, and other organic amendments that can be applied to remedy soil ...

This low value of erodibility of soils in Ethiopia indicates the influence of the soil factors in the erosion process of the country is relatively lower than other factors. The K-factor of the soils in Ethiopia is compiled as one …

Soil acidity is one of the chemical soil degradation problems which affect soil productivity in the Ethiopian highlands. This paper tries to put together soil acidity concept, causes, extent and management practices. Soil acidity is the problem of …

Soil Acidity in Western Ethiopia Soil acidity has become a serious threat to crop production in most highlands of Ethiopia in general and in the western part of the country in particular (Taye, 2007). An earlier study by Mesfin (2007) estimated that about 41% 27 Journal of Environment and Earth Science ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948 ...

I and GTP II, only 2.4% of the severe acid soil area (3.7 million hectares) have been treated with lime. With this trend, it may take over 200 years to fully treat the strong acidic soil of Ethiopia. Overall, efforts to treat soil acidity so far have lagged expectations and now require effective interventions.

Therefore, the aim of this seminor paper is to review different literature on the extent of acid soil in Ethiopia, its impacts on some selected chemical soil properties and management methods.

Soil acidity is one of the chemical soil degradation problems which affect soil productivity in the Ethiopian highlands. This paper tries to put together soil acidity concept, causes, extent and management practices. Soil acidity is the problem of agricultural activities in Ethiopian highlands (cultivated lands) and is getting an increase. …

Soil acidity has become a serious threat to crop production in most highlands of Ethiopia in general and in the western part of the country in particular. An earlier study estimated that about 41% ...

In Ethiopia, soil acidity is a well-known problem limiting crop productivity. The management of acid soils should aim at improving the production potential by the …

Review on the Extent of Acid Soil in Ethiopia, Its Impact and Management Methods Wegene Negese Oromia Agricultural Research Institute, Haro Sabu Agricultural Research Center, P.O. Box 10, Haro sabu, Oromia, Ethiopia Abstract Soil degradation is a global threat. Developing countries are more severely affected by soil degradation than

Soil acidity is challenging agricultural production in Ethiopia. Above 43% of the farmland is under soil acidity problem and it leads to low crop yields and production losses.

In Ethiopia, acid soils with a pH of below 5.5 in the surface layer constitute about 13.2% of the total land (Schlede Citation 1989; Abebe Citation 2007). In the country, acid soil-affected areas are found in the …

roblematic soil and improve crop productivity.Extent of Soil Acidity in EthiopiaAbout 41% of cultivated land in Ethiop. a is affected by soil acidity where 28% of cultivated land is …

The soil acidity level is a key soil characteristic that determines soil nutrient availability, soil microbial activities, and crop growth. This study was carried out to predict the extent and severity of soil acidity based on 109,704 soil pH samples collected from soil laboratories and compiled from various studies.

Soil acidity is one of the chemical soil degradation problems which affect soil productivity in the Ethiopian highlands. This paper tries to put together soil acidity concept, causes, extent and ...

Background Understanding the spatial variability of soil properties is useful to tailor site-specific agricultural inputs to enhance crop production on a sustainable basis. This study was aimed to assess and map the spatial patterns of soil acidity and nutrients using geostatistical methods and support site-specific lime and fertilizer …

Download scientific diagram | Map of the areas that are highly affected by soil acidity in Ethiopia. The data extracted from HWSD used to study the relationship between soil acidity and SOC (see ...

PDF | On Jan 1, 2021, Abu Regasa Gemada published Soil Acidity Challenges to Crop Production in Ethiopian Highlands and Management Strategic Options for Mitigating Soil Acidity for Enhancing Crop ...

Soil acidity is a critical issue requiring urgent attention because of its impact on crop production and productivity (Fanuel and Kibebew 2021;Melese and Yli-Halla 2016;Tessema, Argaw, and Adgo …

University, Tulu Awuliya, Ethiopia Abstract Soil acidity has become a serious problem to crop production in most highlands of Ethiopia. An earlier study estimated that about 41% of cultivated land in Ethiopia is affected by soil acidity ... can treat soil pH along with supplying oxides and hydroxides of calcium and magnesium to the

The acidic soils in Ethiopia are most commonly found in highland areas, including parts of the Rift Valley, the central and northern highlands, and some regions in the southwest.

A pH of 7.0 is defined as neutral. Values below 7.0 are acidic, and values above 7.0 are basic or alkaline. Small changes in numbers indicate large changes in soil acidity. A soil with a pH of 5 is 10 times more acidic than a soil with a pH of 6 and 100 times more acidic than a soil with a pH of 7.

Acid soils are a major constraint to agricultural productivity in many parts of sub-Saharan Africa, including Ethiopia. Restoring soil pH to optimal ranges for agriculture can have a significant impact on yields, particularly for acid intolerant crops like wheat and barley. The application of agricultural lime is the standard corrective, although the large …

The soil acidity level is a key soil characteristic that determines soil nutrient availability, soil microbial activities, and crop growth. This study was carried out to predict the extent and severity of soil acidity based on 109,704 soil pH samples collected from soil laboratories and compiled from various studies. Rainfall, altitude, slope gradient, …

Shows effect of rate and application rate on grain yield of barley from 1978 to 1981. L and LL stand for one-time application (in 1978) and two-time application (1978 and 1979) of lime ...

The soil acidity level is a key soil characteristic that determines soil nutrient availability, soil microbial activities and crop growth. However, studies on distribution and extent of soil ...

Together with other few studies (Agegnehu et al., 2019; 2021; Warner et al., 2023), the study contributes to the development of acid soil reclamation strategy in Ethiopia that envision to bring ...

An earlier study estimated that about 41% of cultivated land in Ethiopia is affected by soil acidity where 28% of cultivated land is highly acidic. Even though this much were acidic, it its degree is varied from location to location in which highland was severely affected thereby limit crop productivity and livelihoods. ... can treat ...

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