
replacement of sand with steel slag in concrete in Mexico

 — Slag, as shown in Fig. 1, is the 16th ingredient of high-performance concrete production [22], called supplementary cementitious materials (SCM) [23], that can enhance the strength and durability of concrete [2].The highly fine slag powder, with a surface area of 400–600 m 2 /kg and a bulk density of 1200 kg/m 3, can be mixed with free lime to …

 — The addition of steel slag aggregate showed an increment in concrete compressive strength compared to the control concrete, increasing with the percentage of steel slag aggregate up to . The observed increment of compressive strength at 7 day test when 25, 50, 75, and of the coarse aggregate was replaced by steel slag …

 — Due to its strength, BFS has the potential to replace natural coarse aggregate in both structural and non-structural projects. Steel slag as a substitute for coarse grain and manufacturing sand as a substitute for fine grain in concrete: - Steel slag and m. sand as a substitute for coarse grain, R. Bupesh Raja, V. Ganesh Kumar, and J. Baalamurugan.

 — In the two last decades, world production of pig iron and steel has undergone a significant increase. In 2018, 1252.87 and 1806.46 million tons of pig iron and steel, respectively, were produced ...

 — Steel slag is a solid waste produced in crude steel smelting, and a typical management option is stockpiling in slag disposal yards. Over the years, the massive production of steel slags and the continuous use of residue yards have led to vast occupation of land resources and caused severe environmental concerns. Steel slag …

 — In terms of strength development, rice husk ash concrete is like fly ash/slag concrete. Rice husk ash, on the other hand, is a very active pozzolanic material, and the consequences of the pozzolanic reactions are visible at an early age rather than later as with other replacement cementing materials [14].It is favorable to the strength …

 — The primary aim of this research was to evaluate the strength of concrete made with steel slag as replacement for fine aggregates. ... Partial replacement of sand with steel slag will be made for ...

 — Adding up to 40% of copper slag as sand replacement yielded more strength with that of conventional M35 grade concrete. However, further additions of copper slag caused reduction in strength with ...

 — Manufactured sand is a replacement for river sand in buildings. It is produced by crushing granite stones that are known for their hardness. The size of manufactured sand (M-SAND) is smaller than 4.75 mm. ... Qasrawi H, Shalabi F, Asi I (2009) Use of low CaO unprocessed steel slag in concrete as fine aggregate. Constr Build Mater …

slag have been widely used in cement and as aggregate for civil works. The report presents an investigation of mechanical and durability properties of concrete by adding iron slag as replacement of sand in various percentages. The X-ray diffraction analysis carried out in this paper gives a deeper insight in the mineralogical constitution and

Concrete mixes are modified by 5% 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% of Steel Slag as replacement of cement. The main conclusions drawn are inclusion of Steel Slag increases the …

 — The workability of concrete was assessed based on the measured slump of fresh concrete. It is clear from Table 2 that the workability of concrete increases significantly with the increase of copper slag content in concrete mixes. For the control mixture (i.e. Mix 1), the measured slump was 28 mm whereas for Mix 8, with replacement of ...

3.2 Optimization of Steel Slag: Based on the mix design, the mix proportions for M40 grade concrete, using steel slag as coarse aggregate replacement material are shown in Table 5 Table 5: Mix proportions for Slag replacement S.No Replacement of Steel Slag in % Mix Proportion 1 0 0.45:1:1.22:2.4 2 20 0.45:1:1.22:2.39

 — Steel slag sand is used as a replacement for natural river sands mentioned in the current investigation in concretes. This steel slag sand was collected from the region of Debre Zeit [Bishoftu] and Akaki Kality east of Addis Ababa. ... On the other hand, steel slag concrete has lower strength at early ages; therefore, steel slag can be used to ...

The report presents an investigation of mechanical and durability properties of concrete by adding iron slag as replacement of sand in various percentages. The X-ray diffraction …

If fine aggregates are replaced by steel slag of specific size and specific percentage, then it will reduce the fine aggregate content i.e. river sand, which will help to reduce the ill …

 — Kothai and Malathy [14] partially replace fine sand (SG=2.65) with fine steel slag (SG=2.95) in normal concrete and found increment of compressive strength at 5% to 10% when replacement level is ...

 — Specifically, the focus is on utilizing iron slag as a partial replacement for sand in concrete, showcasing integration avenues and highlighting potential advantages. …

 — It can be observed that the concrete where sand is replaced by copper slag, imperial smelting furnace slag, class F fly ash exhibits improved strength and durability …

 — Overall, the steel slag concrete strengths were within the limit of structural concrete as the compressive strength results for 4, 8 and 12% percentage replacement were within the limit of 17.24–41.36 MPa according to …

properties of concrete containing the steel slag as a partial replacement for sand were investigated in this study. At different percentages i.e. 0%, 20%, 25%, 30% & 35% the partial replacement of sand is done for the M-30 grade of concrete. The specimens were tested for workability, compressive strength, split tensile strength

 — Study on replacement of coarse aggregate by steel slag and fine aggregate by manufacturing sand in concrete. International Journal of ChemTech Research, 8(4), 1721–1729. Google Scholar Tiwari, M. K., Bajpai, S., & Dewangan, U. K. (2016). Steel slag utilization: Overview in Indian perspective.

The recent years in Vietnam, the price of sand increases double. Thus, people are looking for another resource replacing sand. On the other hand, steel slag is a big problem in Vietnam because of the development of steel industries. Steel slag has been studied to apply in several types of constructions, including in building and pavement. However, …

Using steel slag in HMA facilitates the prevention environmental pollution.6 The highest and lowest compressive strength was obtained in the concrete specimens prepared with steel slag and calcareous limestone aggregates, respectively. Similarly, the split tensile strength of steel slag aggregate concrete was the

 — The study concludes that the use of steel slag in concrete improves the physical properties of the cement concrete, and thus, steel slag concrete can be used for building floorings, pavements, or ...

 — A mix of copper slag and ferrous slag can yield higher compressive strength of 46.18MPa (100 per cent replacement of sand) while corresponding strength for normal concrete was just 30.23MPa.

The present research work deals with a view to develop efficient concrete by addition of steel slag to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of steel slag as a partial replacement in sand To replace Sand with various percentages 10, 20, 30, 40% of steel slag waste in M25, M30 & M35 concrete.

 — Specifically, the focus is on utilizing iron slag as a partial replacement for sand in concrete, showcasing integration avenues and highlighting potential advantages. The research evaluates concrete's strength and durability across replacement levels ranging from 0 to 50% of fine aggregates.

 — Various percentage of replacement Concrete with replacement Cement in % Fine aggregate in% Coarse aggregate in % River sand Steel slag Crushed Granite Steel slag 0% 100 100 0 100 0 30 % CA 100 100 0 70 30 40% FA 100 60 40 100 0 From the test results, the compressive strength of concrete increased 4.6% when the coarse …

materials for concrete to fulfill the role of sand to achieve desired strength. Copper slag is a by-product obtained during smelting and refining of copper, many researchers have already found its potential to use copper slag as natural sand substitute. Copper slag has similar particle size characteristics seemingly to that of sand.

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