
language term coal mines

In 1841 about 216,000 people were employed in the mines in Britain. Most coal was mined in the north and the north-east as well as the Midlands and some parts of Scotland. Due to the difficulties of moving coal many towns and industries were established around the large coal mines. How did coal production increase? 1700 : 2.7 million tonnes

Mining Vocabulary. The following words and terms are often used to describe workers, equipment and parts of a coal mine. Many of the words continue to be used today. …

Dictionary of terms related to Coal Mining, Coal, Lease, geography, maps, the Bureau of Land Management, and The Coal Fields™.

GLOSSARY OF MINING TERMS. A brief explanation of strata reinforcement and associated geotechnical terms used in the Australian underground coal and …

 — Its 'In Our Own Words – the Language of Coal Mining' exhibition was unveiled yesterday in a bid to revive terms familiar to mining families far and wide. …

 — Updated: Sep 25, 2024 / 08:54 AM CDT. JEFFERSON COUNTY, Ala. (WIAT) — A miner was killed in a work-related accident Tuesday night at the Oak Grove Mine. …

 — The scars left behind by the coal mines of Wales' Rhondda Valley are beginning to heal, but some things never change. Scarcely an hour's drive west of the pristine villages, prosperous cottage gardens, …

Butt entry - A coal mining term that has different meanings in different locations. It can be synonymous with panel entry, submain entry, or in its older sense it refers to an entry that is "butt" onto the coal cleavage (that is, at right angles to the face). C Cage - In a mine shaft, the device, similar to an elevator car, that is used for

Mountain-top removal is a controversial method of surface mining where the tops of a mountain is dynamited and removed to gain access to the underlying coal seam. The dirt and rock resulting from the mountain top removal is often dumped into adjacent valleys.

 — The phrase "canary in a coal mine" does not refer to an actual canary or a coal mine, but rather it is a metaphor that conveys a deeper meaning. In coal mines, canaries were used as a warning system for the presence of toxic gases, particularly carbon monoxide. Before advanced technology, miners would bring canaries into the mines with …

 — Coal mining - The process of extracting coal from the ground, which is a valuable energy resource used primarily for generating electricity and heating. Coalification - The metamorphic processes of …

 — Interestingly, this article, found in Gale's British Library Newspapers, explained that contrary to what is commonly believed, canaries were not the preferred birds for this mission, and instead …

 — In Indonesia, the world's biggest coal exporter, rainforests are being cleared for coal mines and these mines pose safety risks — since 2011, more than 40 people, mostly children, have drowned ...

 — New South Wales reported coal mine methane emissions. Methane leaking from NSW's coal mines accounts for 34% of the state's methane emissions (37,9,540 tonnes of methane) and contributes 42.3% of Australia's CMM emissions. This amounts to 11 Mt CO 2-e, representing 8% of NSW's annual CO 2-e emissions.

A. Abutment - In coal mining, (1) the weight of the rocks above a narrow roadway is transferred to the solid coal along the sides, which act as abutments of the arch of strata spanning the roadway; and (2) the weight of the rocks over a longwall face is transferred to the front abutment, that is, the solid coal ahead of the face and the back abutment, that …

 — Other terms unique to ... "For something like coal mining which involved a lot of moving as a lot of the coal industry and its miners moved down to the Midlands in the seventies and eighties ...

 — Marissa: The term "canary in a coal mine" is ubiquitous for any early warning signal. Like our fictional vignette of a miner carrying a canary into the coal mine, canaries were often taken into mines during the first part of the 20th century to test the air for poisonous gasses. The practice was so commonplace that it's become a cliche.

 — coal seam. Term for a coal bed in a sedimentary series. Go to definition. and leaving a series of large pillars at regular intervals to support the mine roof. At each level where coal is present, the shafts connect to …

 — It shows that coal mine methane has a bigger short-term climate impact than all of Europe's CO2 emissions. Indonesia's coal mines emit 1.18 million tonnes of methane, which is equivalent to 101 million tonnes of CO2 according to …

DOI: 10.1007/978-981-33-4336-8_9 Corpus ID: 229640849; Summarization of Coal Mine Accident Reports: A Natural-Language-Processing-Based Approach @inproceedings{Zhao2020SummarizationOC, title={Summarization of Coal Mine Accident Reports: A Natural-Language-Processing-Based Approach}, author={Zhigang Zhao and …

Coal - A carbonaceous rock mined for use as a fuel. Coalification - The metamorphic processes of forming coal. Collar - The term applied to the timbering or concrete around …

Mining coal. Coal miners use large machines to remove coal from the earth. Many U.S. coal deposits, called coal beds or seams, are near the earth's surface, but others are deep underground.Modern mining methods allow U.S. coal miners to easily reach most of the nation's coal reserves and to produce about three times more coal in one hour than in …

 — Despite being crucial for meeting the world's energy demands, coal mining operations present considerable health risks, especially when it comes to exposure to coal dust. Longwall coal mining, an advanced technique, has considerably enhanced production but made dust control more difficult. Due to its explosive nature, coal dust continues to …

 — Coal mining - Underground mining: In underground coal mining, the working environment is completely enclosed by the geologic medium, which consists of the coal seam and the overlying and underlying strata. Access to the coal seam is gained by suitable openings from the surface, and a network of roadways driven in the seam then facilitates …

 — Coal obtained in different places is not the same and varies widely depending on the nature of the soil and geographic conditions. There are two major types of coal mining: underground mining and surface mining. Coal mining satiates roughly 1/4 of our global energy demands, and it is coal that has powered America's power needs for …

Credit: Jim West/ Alamy Stock Photo Canaries were used in British coal mines for almost a century. Then, in 1986, hundreds of canaries breathed a collective sigh of relief when Britain announced that the use of birds in coal mines would stop, to be replaced with modern detectors, often known as "electronic noses."But to this day, canaries retain their …

– In coal mining this is an intended basis for roof bolting Bearing plate Plate, face plate, plate washer In roof bolting, the plate used between the bolt head and the roof ... A hydraulic support used with the longwall system of mining Collar – 1. The term applied to the timbering or concrete around the mouth or top of a shaft 2. The mouth ...

Summarization of Coal Mine Accident Reports 107 where wij is the weight of nodes vi and vj, indicating the similarity between text units. Moreover, I(vi) represents the set of nodes pointing to vi, O(vj) represents the set of nodes to which vj points, and d is the damping factor whose default value is 0.85. The performance of algorithm TextRank is usually …

Coal mine - An area of land and all structures, facilities, machinery, tools, equipment, shafts, slopes, tunnels, excavations, and other property, real or personal, placed upon, under, …

 — In 2017, a coal mine explosion killed at least 42 people. Then-President Hassan Rouhani, campaigning ahead of winning reelection, visited the site in Iran's …

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