
environmental impact assessment in dredewa cement factory

The natural forest at the segment of Southeastern state (Cross River State) is losing its primary status due to various types of human development and industrial activities. This is more envisaged with dry process Kiln method that United Cement Company of Nigeria (UNICEM) intend to use for manufacturing of Cement, which will leave the particulate …

environmental impact assessment (EIA) at the project and initiative levels in the context of national legislation and policies. This platform is summarized in an online learning tool that can be used for individual and/or group learning with or without a teacher. This document can be used as a support material while working with the online

 — Another easy fix would be to use a green cement technology that is currently being used by a New Jersey-based company: Solida. This process of creating green cement would be done by taking the emitted carbon from the kiln, adding it with, and substituting that mixture in the open spaces of the previously made cement.

This study documents the large impact of the asbestos cement factory, with about 130 excess MM cases in a 12-year period. The largest MM burden was among women, from non-occupational exposure. Almost half of the MM …

of alternatives, and summary with conclusions (FEPA 1990). The impact assessment of a proposed cement factory is of immense important for the purpose of providing futuristic information's about the likely environmental impacts that may result during the activities of the proposed company. Cement manufacture can cause environmental impacts at ...

Environmental Planning Group, IIED (available at ). Petts J, (Ed) (1999). Handbook of Environmental Impact Assessment (2 volumes), Blackwell, Oxford Wood C. (2003) Environmental Impact Assessment : A Comparative Review. 2nd ed. Prentice Hall, Harlow Glasson, J; Therivel, R; Chadwick A, Introduction to Environmental Impact …

 — With the aim towards a factory operation business, because a lot of electricity is used in waste battery treatment, it is newly encouraged that reducing the use of grid power by increasing photovoltaic power, wind power, and natural gas usage can reduce environmental burdens to a larger extent. ... "Environmental Impact Assessment of the ...

 — A comprehensive and overall assessment of the environmental impact of cement manufacturing was carried out by applying a life-cycle analysis to the national life-cycle inventory of cement ...

The cement industry is one of the major energy-consuming industries and one of the major CO 2 emissions. It is very important to conduct carbon emission assessment and recommend appropriate low-carbon technologies in the environmental impact assessment (EIA) of the cement industry. The carbon production links of the cement production …

 — Moreover, the environmental impacts of cement production can be divided into three categories: global, regional, and local, as follows: a) CO 2 emissions contribute to global environmental impacts ...

Ture Cement Factory is located in Dire Dawa, Ethiopia on 200,000m2. The factory started operating in 2012 and has a daily output capacity of 1,600 tons of cement. In 2017, the plant expanded to produce concrete poles …


Geographical Survey of Cement Factory in Dire Dawa: The Case of National Cement Factory in Sabiyan, Dire Dawa Administration ABSTRACT Dire Dawa is geologically …

 — Many environmental studies have detailed the impacts of the different processes involved in cement manufacturing (Valderrama et al., 2012, Josa et al., 2004, Josa et al., 2007, von Bahr et al., 2003, Boesch and Hellweg, 2010).Recent studies show that calcination has a predominant role in the environmental impacts of cement …

1. What is Environmental Impact Assessment? The concept of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) was first introduced and defined in the Law on Environmental Protection (LEP) 1993 No. 29-L/CTN and the …

 — 4. EVOLUTION AND HISTORY OF EIA:- • Environmental Impact Assessment started as a mandatory regulatory procedure originated in the early 1970's with the implementation of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 1969 in the US. • The EIA process really took off after the mid-1980s. In 1989, the World Bank adopted EIA for …

 — Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is defined as the systematic identification and evaluation of the potential impacts (effects) of proposed projects, plans, programs, or legislative actions relative to the physical, chemical, biological, cultural, and socioeconomic components of the environment (Canter 1997).According to the Ministry …

 — Environmental impact assessment method: Mendes et al. (2016); Kim; Tae (2016) Uncertainty analysis: ... There is a cement factory 400 km away, which would reduce the distance by 750 km with this input displacement. The other materials are already purchased from the nearest suppliers. The current strategic reasons for obtaining more …

1.2 EIA FOR CEMENT MANUFACTURING PLANT 1-1 1.3 GUIDELINES OBJECTIVES 1-4 1.4 SCOPE OF THE GUIDELINES 1-4 ... CHAPTER 2 : ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT PLANNING 2.1 INTRODUCTION 2-1 2.1.1 Environmental Impact Assessment Process 2-1 2.1.2 Integration of Environmental Compliance in the Planning of Cement Manufacturing …

 — Al-Nawaser cement plant is processed to construct in Al-Mahweet, NW Yemen. The quarry area is composed of limestone of Amran Group as a main raw source for cement production, which is exposed in the high mountains beside the plant site. The chemical analysis of limestones shows 50.31% CaO content, with 0.71% MgO. No …

Environmental impact assessment studies are carried out to obtain environmental clearance for. The research article is focused on the Environmental Impact Assessment of a proposed cement plant to be located in Sagamu, Ogun State, Southwestern Nigeria. Environmental impact assessment studies are carried out to obtain environmental clearance for

 — The construction industry is growing in a shocking rate. Ethiopia historically has low cement per capita consumption as low as 39 Kg in 2011 whereas it reached 62 kg in. 2014 which is still low ...

 — A combined cross-sectional and cross-shift study was conducted in Dire Dawa cement factory in Ethiopia. 40 exposed production workers from the crusher and …

Cement is a pillar to develop infrastructures in Ethiopia. At the same time, cement production affects the local environment and nearby communities. Therefore, this paper aims to analyse the local environmental impacts of the Messebo Cement Factory in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia, and to identify the consequences of these impacts.

 — ASSESSMENT OF CEMENT FACTORY IMPACT S IN OBAJANA, KOGI . STATE, NIGERIA . 1 Umar Tauheed Ibrahim, ... This research reveals the various environmental impact of the Nigeria cement company. The ...

Environmental risk assessment of Saman cement factory in ... One of the ways to prevent the damaging effects of cement factories can be to evaluate the environmental impact of the unit and the application of the system and environmental management monitoring programs (Saffari et al., 2019). during their research in Saman Cement Factory Concluded that the …

EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EPA Environmental Protection Authority EU European Union ICM International Council on Mining ... Environmental Challenges of Cement Factory 9 2.3. Factors Affecting Location of Cement Industry 10 2.3.1. Regional demand and supply 11 2.3.2. Government policy 12

 — The Environmental Protection Rules, 1986 warrant for the imposition of certain restrictions on the construction/ expansion/ modernization of specific projects without prior approval from the …

The cement plant is supported by captive limestone mine i.e., Morak limestone mine spreading over an extent of 895.42 ha. The cement plant is in an area of 167 ha. ... Environmental impact assessments are generally carried out before the execution of a project to assess the possible impacts on the environment including water, air, noise ...

 — People's health is a function of the quality of the air they breathe and susceptibility of the environment to climate change impact (CARE International Poverty, Environment and Climate Change Network …

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