
open pit coal mine dust suppresion

 — 1. Introduction. A large amount of dust is generated during the production, transportation, and storage of coal. The dust seriously reduces the safety and efficiency of coal mines [1,2,3,4,5].In recent years, as both the mining depth and the degree of mechanization in coal mining has increased, the generation and transmission of …

 — With the goal of dust pollution prevention and control in open-pit coal mines, this paper puts forward the concept of a non-disturbance area of an open-pit coal mine. It clarifies the characteristics of dust generation, the coverage area, and the dust particle size distribution characteristics of the non-disturbance area.

 — To control the dust pollution caused by open-pit coal mining and reduce or avoid the secondary hazards of existing dust suppressants to the environment, a biological dust suppressant was prepared through the synergistic effect of a surfactant and an enzyme-induced carbonate precipitation. The optimal ratio of biological dust …

 — To control dust in open pit coal mines more environmentally friendly and efficiently, and to promote the use and development of non-in situ high-yield urease microorganisms for dust suppression in coal mines, Bacillus pasteurii was selected for …

mining plays a key role in the coal mining industry. Many major coal producing countries in the world draw heavily on open pit mining approach to recover coal. Forinstance,morethan60%ofthecoal minesin the US and Australia is based on open pit. However, the surface environmental condition of the open pit mines often leads to strong …

 — 1. Introduction. In the contemporary Chinese coal mining landscape, open-pit operations have assumed a central role in coal extraction (Rongxiao et al., 2023; Wen et al., 2023; Alexander et al., 2023).This prominence has concurrently heightened concerns regarding dust accumulation in open-pit coal mines, necessitating a thorough …

 — The control of coal dust in open-pit coal mines is urgent, and the research and development of new dust suppression materials is imperative. Download: Download …

 — The list of commodities is extensive, although the relative proportions mined underground and on the surface vary from mineral to mineral. Massive tonnages of hard coal and lignite are also produced …

 — Yuan Wang is a lecturer of University of Science and Technology Beijing, focuses on the study of mine dust control, occupational health and safety, mining intelligent ventilation, road dust suppression technology, undertook/participated in the one national "13th Five-Year Plan" major project; one NSF project; one project supported by the …

2. Materials and Methods. The research framework of this paper is shown in Figure 1.Firstly, the dust characteristics of the open-pit coal mine operation link were analyzed, the open-pit mine was divided into disturbance areas and non-disturbance areas according to the dust characteristics, and the dust particle size distribution in different areas was …

˜e operation of open-pit coal mines produces a large amount of dust particles, among which ne particles such as PM 2.5 are dicult to settle and easy to a˚ect the air quality over a wide range as ...

 — The problem of dust pollution in the open-pit coal mine significantly impacts the health of staff, the regular operation of mining work, and the surrounding environment. At the same time, the open-pit road is the largest dust source. Therefore, it analyzes the influencing factors of road dust concentration in the open-pit coal mine. It is of practical …

The field test data for mining and loading spray dust suppression in open-pit coal mines revealed that the dust suppression efficiency of whole dust and respirable dust was …

 — Dust pollution in open-pit coal mines severely restricts the green development of mines. Therefore, dust control has become an important requirement for the sustainable development of the mining industry. With the goal of dust pollution prevention and control in open-pit coal mines, this paper puts forward the concept of a non-disturbance area of an …

 — Previous simulation studies of dust particles movement behavior in open-pit coal mines only aimed at a single operation link, and the macro simulation is lacking. This study seeks to explore ...

 — Coal is the major source of power in India and world over. Coal mining is an essential industry which has a major role in the economic development of the country. Most major mining activities contribute directly or indirectly to air pollution. Coal dust is a major air pollutant which affects the personal working in the mines and also people residing in …

 — In the context of dust control in open pit coal mines, it is essential to consider meteorological conditions appropriately, provided that normal production is ensured. The …

 — The Anjialing open-pit coal mine is the largest open-pit mine in the Pingshuo mining area. Its annual output is 2000 Mt/year, and the average amount of rock stripped is about 9000 Mm 3 /year. The distances between the three nearby villages and the Anjialing open-pit coal mine are 1.6 km, 2.0 km, and 2.8 km.

Cao filled gun holes with water bags in 2020 at the Harsusu open-pit coal mine and obtained over 75% dust reduction in the blasting area. In summary, under the guidance of extensive theoretical research, the current water-seal blasting technology can achieve a total dust suppression efficiency of 50–70%. 3. Open-Space Dust Reduction Technologies

 — According to the wind statistics in 2019, the number of windy days of grade 3 and above in the Jungar mining area in Northern China (including the Heidaigou open-pit coal mine and Haerwusu open ...

 — @article{Zhou2023StudyOM, title={Study on MICP dust suppression technology in open pit coal mine: Preparation and mechanism of microbial dust …

 — Coal mine pollution is a serious threat to the mine safe production and occupational health of miners. Chemical dust suppression can effectively reduce the concentration of coal dust and suppress the re-entrainment of dust. This paper discusses the research progress of three kinds of traditional dust suppressants: the wetting-type, …

green and climate-smart mining in open-pit mines (Jiskani et al. 2021, 2022a; Tian et al. 2022, 2023). Notably, particu-lar attention has been given to addressing mine dust pollu-tion (Wang et al. 2021; Luo et al. 2021). Regarding dust pollution in OPCMs, dust prevention and control have con-sistently remained a focal point of research.

 — 1 College of Mining, Liaoning Technical University, Fuxin, China; 2 College of Environment, Liaoning Technical University, Fuxin, China; 3 College of Mining, Inner Mongolia University of Technology, Hohhot, China; In an open-pit mine in Xinjiang, part of the stripped area is covered by burnt rock. Due to the low strength and fragility of burnt …

With the recent increases in energy demands, the dust hazards of coal mining caused by transportation, loading and unloading and other processes are becoming increasingly serious. To control dust in open pit coal mines more environmentally friendly and efficiently, and to promote the use and development of non-in situ high-yield urease …

 — Yang et al. formulated a polymer dust suppressant with 0.1% Triton X-100 and 0.7% guar gum that was suitable for brown coal open-pit mines. The dust suppressant had an obvious effect on the suppression of fine particles, and the hardness of its cured layer reaches 61.43, ...

 — At room temperature, we first added a certain amount of deionized water to the beaker, dissolved SPI in deionized water, then added XG in a certain proportion, stirred manually for 5 min, kept the pH at about 7, placed the solution in a magnetic stirring constant temperature water bath, and stirred at 25 °C for 2 h.

 — Dust pollution from Chinese open-pit coal mines (OPCMs) threatens the coexistence of resource development and environmental protection. This research …

Monitoring and prediction of dust concentration in an open-pit mine … The Anjialing open-pit coal mine is the largest open-pit mine in the Pingshuo mining area. Its annual output is 2000 Mt/year, and the average amount of rock stripped is about 9000 Mm 3 /year. The distances between the three nearby villages and the Anjialing open-pit coal ...

 — Improve air quality and reduce dust in open pit mines with these effective drilling and blasting dust control practices. Discover how to protect your workers and the environment. ... especially in open-pit coal mines, mineral mines, and natural stone quarries. Identifying these sources is the first step in implementing effective dust control ...

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