Total shoulder replacement options. Products and services. Reverse shoulder replacement may be a better way to improve the joints function and reduce pain, especially if the joint …
Total shoulder replacement options. Products and services. Reverse shoulder replacement may be a better way to improve the joints function and reduce pain, especially if the joint …
The decision to have orthopaedic surgery requires serious consideration. The OrthoInfo Orthopaedic Surgery Video Series for Patients has been developed specifically for patients to help them learn more about common orthopaedic surgical procedures.. In this surgical video, Dr. George Athwal, OrthoInfo's section editor for Shoulder and Elbow, performs a …
Rehabilitation Protocol for Total Shoulder Arthroplasty and Hemiarthroplasty This protocol is intended to guide clinicians and patients through the post-operative course after a total shoulder ... Hughes, M, Neer II, CS. Glenohumeral joint replacement and postoperative rehabilitation. Physical Therapy. 1975. 55(8): 850-858.
— There are two types of total shoulder replacements, anatomic total shoulder replacement and reverse total shoulder replacement. "With an anatomic replacement, the anatomy [of the ball and socket] ends up looking just like the normal anatomy," says Dr. Jacob Triplet. "For this to be an option the rotator cuffs have to be functioning properly.
Replacement of both the humeral head and the socket is called a total shoulder replacement. Indications. Total shoulder joint replacement surgery is indicated for conditions such as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis when medication, injections, physical therapy, and activity changes do not help relieve the pain.
This shoulder replacement surgery video showcases the InSet™ shoulder replacement system.. In this video, Dr. Rob Gillespie performs shoulder replacement surgery on a 66 year old patient using the InSet™ Total Shoulder System.
— Total shoulder replacement: This is the most common type. It replaces the ball at the top of your humerus with a metal ball, which gets attached to the remaining bone.
— Dr. Gregory Nicholson performs a recorded live surgery demonstrating an anatomic total shoulder arthroplasty for a B2 glenoid deformity utilizing Stryker's Simpliciti Stemless humeral component and …
A reverse total shoulder arthroplasty, or rTSA, refers to a similar procedure in which the prosthetic ball and socket that make up the joint are reversed to treat certain complex shoulder problems. rTSA involves a stemmed-humeral component containing a polyethylene humerosocket replacing the humeral head, and a highly polished metal ball …
The decision to have orthopaedic surgery requires serious consideration. The OrthoInfo Orthopaedic Surgery Video Series for Patients has been developed specifically for patients to help them learn more about common orthopaedic surgical procedures.. In …
Reverse shoulder replacement may be a better way to improve the joints function and reduce pain, especially if the joint is affected by arthritis. This operation is also called reverse arthroplasty. Artho means joint. Plasty means to mold surgically. The top of the arm bone fits into a socket on the shoulder blade.
— In this video, we feature a 62-year-old male patient with end-stage shoulder arthritis and a rotator cuff tear. Come inside the operating room with orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Jacob Triplet as he performs reverse …
The most common types of surgery are total shoulder replacement and ... Understanding Trigger Finger (video) VIEW ALL THE CENTER NEFF ROAD CLINIC . 2200 NE Neff Road, Suite 200, Bend, OR 97701 . 541-382-3344 . The Center Shevlin Health & …
Full Surgical Technique for Total Shoulder Arthroplasty, including animations and saw bone demonstrations. Also includes Indications, Preoperative Planning, and Post Op care.
This animation explains total shoulder replacement, a surgical procedure in which parts of an arthritic or damaged shoulder joint are removed and replaced with a metal, plastic or ceramic device called a prosthesis. Animation courtesy of Visual Health Solutions, LLC. Related Media. Treatment .
— Total shoulder joint replacement surgery (arthroplasty) helps restore comfort and function to shoulders damaged by degenerative joint disease, osteoarthritis, or rheumatoid arthritis. ... Streaming video Dr. Matsen and Sarah Jackins, physical therapist with the UW Bone and Joint Surgery Center, discuss shoulder surgery with an emphasis …
This video demonstrates the steps for exposure of the glenohumeral joint and the performance of a total shoulder replacement.
— Stemless Shoulder Replacement with Inset Glenoid Technology. OrthoDome. John Macy, MD demonstrates an anatomic total shoulder arthroplasty with a stemless humoral implant and inset glenoid technology in a 75-year-old male. Preoperative planning is shown in GSI Preview Shoulder. ... Reason required to flag video for review.
This video demonstrates the steps for exposure of the glenohumeral joint and the performance of a total shoulder replacement. About Us; Careers; ... Deltopectoral Approach for Total Shoulder Replacement. By Boston Shoulder Institute FEATURING J.P. Warner. By Boston …
Elbow: Total Elbow Replacement Dr. Frederick Matsen and his patient discuss the diagnosis, surgery and post-operative care for total elbow replacement surgery. Surgical footage is included. ... Dr. Matsen discusses surgery for the "big three" problems of the shoulder in this video.
A Patient's Guide to Anatomic Total Shoulder Replacement (Standard Shoulder Shoulder) Introduction. Yearly, there are approximately 50,000 shoulder replacements performed annually in the USA. Anatomic shoulder replacements were introduced in 1970 by Dr. Charles Neer. ... WATCH AN ANIMATION VIDEO OF STANDARD (ANATOMIC) …
For these patients, conventional total shoulder replacement may result in pain and limited motion, and reverse total shoulder replacement is a better option. Description A conventional shoulder replacement device mimics the normal anatomy of the shoulder: A plastic cup is fitted into the shoulder socket (glenoid), and a metal ball is attached ...
Sling Video | Total Shoulder Exercises ... In a reverse total shoulder replacement, the ball and socket are replaced, but they are reversed. The socket portion of your shoulder is replaced with a prosthetic metal ball …
Reverse Total Shoulder Replacement Videos. In the two videos below, Dr. Frederick Matsen, UW Medical Center orthopedic surgeon, discusses a new and innovative shoulder replacement surgery featuring a reverse ball/socket technique that can lessen pain and improve function in shoulders with failed surgery or combined arthritis, rotator cuff tears …
This is because a standard total shoulder replacement relies on muscles and tendons around the shoulder joint to be intact, while a reverse prosthesis is designed for situations where the rotator cuff is torn or malfunctioning. If you have this type of injury, a standard shoulder replacement might still leave you with pain and limited movement. ...
That includes total shoulder replacement, hemiarthroplasty, and reverse total shoulder replacement. Another JSES article reports that by 2025, the number of annual shoulder replacement procedures in the U.S. could …
This video was created to help patients prepare for shoulder arthroplasty (shoulder replacement surgery) and plan for a successful recovery. We'll discuss: What shoulder replacement surgery it is and how it works. The …
Dr. Edward McFarland explains a reverse total shoulder replacement as a complex procedure that is warranted by certain conditions. The major difference between a standard shoulder replacement and a reverse procedure is that in a reverse shoulder replacement the ball and socket parts of the shoulder joint switch sides.
The goal of total shoulder replacement surgery is to relieve shoulder pain and increase shoulder function by resurfacing the bones that meet at the shoulder's ball-and-socket joint, or glenohumeral joint. ... Shoulder Osteoarthritis Video. advertisement. Popular Videos. 2:26. Rheumatoid Arthritis Overview Video. 1:32. Knee Osteoarthritis Video ...