— In this research work, selective depression of pyrite in the flotation of a low-grade lead–zinc ore containing 31% pyrite was investigated in the absence and presence of Acidithiobacillus ...
— In this research work, selective depression of pyrite in the flotation of a low-grade lead–zinc ore containing 31% pyrite was investigated in the absence and presence of Acidithiobacillus ...
The present work was undertaken to study the effects of various process parameters on concentration of a typical lead-zinc ore sample by froth flotation. Prior to flotation …
— The lead-zinc sulfide ore sample was supplied by the Fankou lead-zinc mine, Guangdong Province, China. The chemical analysis results of the sample are shown in Table 1. In the Fankou lead-zinc deposit, the main sulfide minerals are galena (PbS), sphalerite (ZnS), and pyrite (FeS 2), and the main gangue minerals are quartz (SiO 2) …
Lead-Zinc ore tailings containing 3.12% Zn, 3.43% Pb, 0.71 g/t Au and 74 g/t Ag was subject to ... The tailings of the rougher stages were treated for pyrite flotation.
Cerussite and is rarely used for zinc carbonate minerals. Flotation of oxidized zinc minerals such as smithsonite is not sufficiently selective by amyl-hexyl xanthates [8]. In the case of lead–zinc oxide–sulfide's presence in the samples, at first the lead–zinc sulfide bulk flotation is conducted.
— Processing of oxidized zinc-lead containing materials may be carried out by sulfidization roasting with pyrite when lead and zinc compounds are sulfidized, and the possibility of their floatation ...
— At the second stage, the recovery of lead from a zinc leach residue of an oxidic ore was investigated through batch flotation studies. The residue was leached with water before sulfidization to ...
process flow-sheet for the concentration of the ore to individual lead and zinc concentrates has been recommended. Key words : Froth flotation, Lead-zinc ore, Process flo-n-sheet, …
— Collector type and pulp pH play an important role in the lead–zinc ore flotation process. In the current study, the effect of pulp pH and the collector type parameters on …
Lead concentrate lead–zinc ore was supplied by Nanjing Yinmao Lead-zinc Mining Co., Ltd., China. The ore is of low lead grade (approximately Zinc flotation 1.3%). The results of the chemical ...
— Zinc leaching residue is a good source of zinc and has a great potential to be utilized. However, it is very difficult to recover lead, zinc and silver from the residue by traditional technologies. In this study, a new technology based on conversions of PbSO4 and ZnSO4 in the residue to their respective sulfides by reduction roasting with coal …
Porphyry copper deposits are important sources of copper and typically processed by flotation to produce copper concentrates. As mining areas become deeper, the amounts of impurities, such as sphalerite, can be …
— Flotation is a versatile method for the pre-enrichment of lead–zinc oxide ores. Due to the strong hydration of lead–zinc oxide minerals and the easy dissolution of …
— Download full-text PDF Read full ... Evaluation of Lead-Zinc Ore Tailings by Flotation . ... It was found that copper ions activate the pyrite flotation due to the formation of copper xanthate and ...
— Abstract The article proves the promising nature of joint roasting of rebellious oxidized and sulfide lead-and-zinc ore from Ozerny deposit at the stage of ore preparation for flotation. The joint roasting of lead-and-zinc ore and sulfide ore initiates generation of sulfur-containing agents and sulfidation of rebellious oxidized lead and zinc. It is …
— Download PDF. Article; ... such as zinc oxide ore, lead and zinc smelter slags and steelmaking dust. ... Selective Sulfidation of Lead Smelter Slag with Pyrite and Flotation Behavior of Synthetic ZnS.
ore were also determined to reveal the complexity. Finally, otation behavior of the ore was interpreted by the compo-sitional, structural, and surface properties of the mineral particles. 2 Maerials t and Methods 2.1 Oe r Sample The lead–zinc ore samples were obtained from Görgu (Malatya) district located in the Central-Eastern region of
— In this study, Na 2 SO 3 and lime were used as pyrite depressants for the flotation separation of the lead and zinc ore. The influence of Na 2 SO 3 on pre-adsorbed EX was investigated through micro-flotation experiments, contact angle measurements, ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy (UV–Vis), and time of flight secondary ion mass …
— The flotation wastewater produced by "lead preferred flotation-zinc flotation" all-open process with aids of mixed depressants and cationic-anionic collectors has a high turbidity and multitude of ...
— The lead–zinc ore was supplied by Nanjing Yinmao Lead-zinc Mining Co., Ltd., China. The ore is of low lead grade (approximately 1.3%). The results of the chemical analysis are shown in Table 1.A quantitative mineralogy determination using X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and mineral liberation analyzer (MLA) were done by the analytical …
— With regard to a deep-extend oxidized refractory lead-zinc ore from Yunnan province, containing 4.55% Pb and 17.09% Zn, a test study was carried out. By adopting single-stage roughing, single-stage scavenging, two-stage cleaning in the flotation of lead oxide ores, and single-stage cleaning, single-stage cleaning in the reverse flotation of …
— Collector type and pulp pH play an important role in the lead–zinc ore flotation process. In the current study, the effect of pulp pH and the collector type parameters on the galena and ...
— As shown in Fig. 1, before flotation, 800 g lead-zinc sulfide ore, 500 g water, depressant (8000 g/t lime) and collectors (50 g/t sodium diethyldithiocarbamate and 50 g/t sodium butyl xanthate) were added to a ball mill and ground for 5.5 min.Thereafter, the pulp was transferred to an XFD-63 flotation cell (self-aeration) whose volume for flotation was …
— Lab-scale experiments results show that the new process contributed to the flotation of the complex mixed sulfide-oxide lead and zinc ore regarding two aspects: (1) High alkaline process (pH=12± ...
— In the rougher flotation stage, a lead concentrate with 17.29 % Pb and a zinc concentrate with 9.89 % Zn could be obtained by 76.71 % lead and 15.49 % zinc recoveries from the ore samples ...
— The Qixia orebody is a complex lead–zinc sulfide system with pyrite gangue and minor amounts of copper. In order to improve the flotation results, laboratory scale flotation testing of ore ...
— The polymetallic separation flowsheet of copper/lead bulk flotation - copper/lead separation - priority flotation zinc ... [Show full abstract] and pyrite from the bulk flotation tailings was used ...
— The ratio of zinc oxide and zinc sulphide content is nearly 2.1 (ZnSO 4 and (Zn,Mn)Fe 2 O 4 are both zinc oxides), indicating that the sample being not a zinc oxide ores, but a oxide-sulphide mixed ore. Metals with recycling value are lead and zinc, but other metals (such as Ag and In) have no recycling value because of their low content.
Flotation separation and recovery of lead and zinc concentrates from ores containing galena (PbS) and sphalerite (ZnS) is well established and generally achieved quite effectively.
— Galena–Pyrite Bulk Flotation. The particle size has a significant effect on the flotation behaviors of minerals; therefore, the effect of grinding fineness (−0.074 mm) on galena -pyrite bulk flotation was firstly investigated and the results are shown in Fig. 2a. As can be noted that the recovery of lead, zinc, and sulfur was increased simultaneously …