
mupani copper mines and anode slimes

pressure at 70–85 °C. Oxygen in the air reacts with copper and copper compounds to dissolve copper according to Reactions (1)–(4). The copper content remaining in the residue after leaching for 18–24 h is less than 1%. Anode Slime Decopperizing Leaching Solution Decopperized Slime Detellurizing Wet Chlorination Silver Chloride Copper ...

The copper anode slime produced in one copper smelter domestically was pre-treated with pressure acid leaching method and the leaching behavior of copper,tellurium and selenium in copper anode slime was studied.The results show that this method can attain thorough removal of copper and part removal of tellurium and selenium and the silver is still not …

 — Its copper deposits have been mined over many years, with Mopani owning the Mufulira smelter, where concentrates are blended with toll concentrates to produce copper anodes containing 99.6% copper. Jubilee, which has developed metal extraction solutions from waste and overlooked materials, has already secured 300-million tonnes …

Mopani Copper Mines PLC is Zambian-registered integrated mining investment with operations in Kitwe and Mufulira districts of the Copperbelt Province in the Republic of Zambia. The company's operations …

Abstract: In order to improve the technology of extracting noble metals from the copper anode slime, the technological mineralogy investigation of the anode slime was studied by XRD, SEM and optical microscope. The results showed that the particle size in the anode slime which was less than 38μm accounted for 7853%, the particle size ranged from …

 — This slime is a by-product of copper electroforming, in which a copper anode with a purity of 98.5 wt.% Cu is electrochemically dissolved and extracted with a purity of 99.99% wt.% Cu.

 — The proposed procedure for the treatment of copper anode slime to recover both copper and selenium is summarized in Fig. 3. The dissolution conditions of copper and selenium were optimized according to the characterization results of samples taken before and after each dissolution steps. Download: Download full-size image; Fig. 3.

 — Tellurium is a rare metalloid that is vastly produced from copper anode slime, which is a by-product of the copper electrorefining process. Choosing the proper recovery method strongly depends on the slimes composition, mineralogy, and tellurium concentration. In addition, correctly selecting the right method of leaching, purification, …

 — High-selenium copper refinery anode slimes form two separate and dynamically evolving series of compounds with increasing electrolysis time. In one, silver is progressively added to non-stoichiometric copper selenides, both those originally present in the anode and those formed subsequently in the slime layer, and in the other, silver-poor …

High-selenium copper refinery anode slimes form two separate and dynamically evolving series of compounds with increasing electrolysis time. In one, silver is progressively added to non-stoichiometric copper selenides, both those originally present in the anode and those formed subsequently in the slime layer, and in the other, silver-poor copper selenides …

 — In a significant development for Zambia's mining sector, the government has announced plans to hand over Mopani Copper Mines to a new investor by the end of February 2024. Finance and National ...

 — While the copper mining process is not optimized for byproduct recovery, as indicated by the high tellurium loss rate (90%), anode slimes treatment can be highly efficient and is usually optimized ...

 — Tellurium is a critical metalloid element that is majorly produced from copper anode slime and is widely consumed in solar energy systems. In this research, a sustainable recovery of tellurium ...

 — Bard GN and Sobral LGS. 2008. Extraction of gold, silver and copper from the copper electrorefining anode slime: separation of the metals, Global Symposium on Recycling, Waste Treatment and Clean Technology, October …

Anode slime is a byproduct of copper or lead electro-refining process and found in electrolytic cell bottom or on the anode scrap surface. The copper anode slime and lead anode slime usually contain precious metals like gold and silver. Depending on the treatment capacity, process of anode slime recovery is achieved by two different …

 — 1. Introduction. Copper anode slime is the byproduct of electro-refining of copper, which often contains precious metals and is a valuable secondary resource for recovering valuable products, such as silver, from it (Ding et al., 2017, Wang et al., 2017, Yldrm et al., 2014).The predominant method for silver recovery from anode slime is …

 — Anode slime is the insoluble product deposited at the bottom of the electrorefining tank during electrorefining of copper. It generally contains Cu, Ni, Se, Te, Ag, Au, platinum group metals (PGM), Pb, Ba, Fe, etc. Owing to the presence of valuable metals and metalloids in the anode slime, numerous approaches have been made by …

Mopani Copper Mines PLC has since 2014 sunk and equipped three (3) brand new shafts to replace the old infrastructure at both Nkana and Mufulira mine sites, which dates back to the 1930s. The three new …

 — Copper anode slimes, the by-product of the copper electrorefining process, have been the subject of extensive investigation for recovering precious metals viz., Au, …

 — Pure copper is plated onto the mother stainless-steel cathode and soluble impurities dissolve in the electrolyte. Impurity elements (Au, Ag, Bi, As, Sb, Sn, Pb, Te, …

 — Nippon Mining Co. Ltd. developed a H 2 SO 4 leaching process in which anode slimes were kept in a 15 wt.% H 2 SO 4 solution and reacted with O 2 in the presence of sodium nitrite.37 Autoclave leaching with O 2-H 2 SO 4 media was also used for treating the copper anode slimes of La Caridad Copper Refinery by Chen et al.3,38 …

 — The copper anode slime, a byproduct of the copper electro-refining process, is a 38 valuable secondary resource containing valuable elements such as Cu, Se, Sb, Ag, Au

 — Saganoseki Smelter and Refinery started operation of its copper anode slimes treatment plant using a hydrometallurgical process—the first of its kind in Japan—in 1997 (Toraiwa et al. []).The adoption of this process yielded many operational advantages including higher product quality, higher productivity, shorter gold -retention time, and …

 — Copper anode slimes, produced from copper electrolytic refining, are important industrial by-products containing several valuable metals, particularly silver and gold.

THE HEART OF THE MINE Mopani Copper Mines PLC owns the Mufulira ISA Smelter, where concentrates coming from Mufulira and Nkana Concentrators are blended with Toll concentrates from other sources to produce Copper Anodes containing 99.6 percent copper. The Upgraded Smelter is equipped with two acid plants, which capture up to 95 …

 — 5, 6 Copper anode slimes are regarded as refractory gold sources due to their ultra-fine gold particles ... Gravity separation has long been a cost-effective method for the mining industry ...

Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Extraction of copper and gold from anode slime of Sarcheshmeh Copper Complex. 2016 • ... Copper anode slimes from electrolytic copper refineries are now supplying the source of most of the world's selenium due to its significant contents considering high costs and technical ...

 — This is exemplified by the fact that copper anode slimes derived from concentrates sourced from magmatic sulfide and VMS orebodies have an order of magnitude higher tellurium concentrations than ...

 — The transformation of selenium-containing phases in copper anode slimes during the leaching process was investigated based on the Eh–pH diagram, leaching efficiencies of metals, and characterization of the residues produced during leaching. The leaching efficiency of selenium increases slowly to 17.7% in the first 50 min and then …

type of ore [1]. Anode slime is the byproduct generated during the electrorefining of impure copper anode produced in the pyrometallurgical extraction of copper. Copper anode slime generated at the bottom of the electrolytic cell contains many valuable metals, including precious metals and some rare elements. Though the

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