
irrigation in mining

 — Irrigation also includes water that is used for pre-irrigation, frost protection, chemical application, weed control, field preparation, crop cooling, harvesting, dust suppression, and leaching salts from the root zone.

There is renewed interest in the use of mine water for irrigation as a means to reduce mine impacted water treatment costs and to create sustainable livelihoods as mines reach …

Mining in South Africa is looking to increasingly sophisticated methods to address the twin issues of reducing water use and stopping pollution. ... Treating mine water to irrigation standards would cut the costs considerably, says Grewar. A study conducted over eight years showed that crops such as sugar beans, wheat, maize and potatoes could ...

irrigation with certain mine waters, on carefully selected and managed sites, could form a sustainable, economically feasible and socially uplifting strategy in the developing world. Research over ...

 — Leach mining operations generally choose between using sprinkler irrigation or drip irrigation systems. The biggest issue with sprinkler systems is that toxic chemicals can be spread beyond the mining site due to wind, whereas a drip irrigation systems ensures that all lixiviant is applied directly to the heap.

 — To solve these problems DRTS is proud to offer a new mining grade product, the Minoro™ drip-emitter specifically designed for drip-irrigation in heap leach mining. The Minoro™ dripper has our revolutionary Omni-Flow Labyrinth design which eliminates labyrinth dead zones to maintain consistent turbulence, reducing the settling …

 — 1. Introduction. The mining industry has been recognized as an essential energy industry, which can provide massive economic benefits for many countries (Balasubramanian, 2017; Haddaway et al., 2019).However, the ecological environment of mining areas has critically degenerated due to serious air, soil, and water pollution as …

 — According to their report, the major uses for water are irrigation (30% of total use), livestock (23.5% of total use) and mining (12.7% of total use), with mining expected to draw more water in the future. The Tuul and the Orkhon basins draw the most water, at 27.6% and 13.5% of total use.

 — Based on the mine water produced by mining, to improve the ecological environment, the optimal allocation of mine water resources is studied. To reduce the uncertainty of the calculation results of ecological water demand, the wolf colony algorithm neural network model is used for long-term rainfall forecast. Combined with the forecast …

 — Irrigation, in agriculture, the artificial application of water to land. Some land requires irrigation before it can be used for any agricultural production. In other places, irrigation is primarily a means to supplement …

 — Irrigation is the process of artificially applying water to plants when rainfall is not sufficient enough to maintain a reliable source of crops. It is most often used in regions where rainfall is ...

 — Positive matrix factorization and Monte Carlo simulation were used to evaluate the ecological and human health risks of heavy metals. The research findings indicate that heavy metal pollution was the most severe at the depth of 20–40 cm in soils, with local heavy metal pollution resulting from mining and sewage irrigation.

 — Irrigation is a lynchpin of rural development strategies and a key input to improving productivity and farm incomes, the key source of livelihood for the majority of the world's poor. ... mining, industry, hydroelectricity generation, and a rising population (USGCRP (U.S Global Change Research Program), 2017, de Fraiture et al., 2010).

 — An irrigation controller is an essential part of the irrigation system and helps to achieve labour savings in addition to applying the required volume of irrigation water for a specified period leading to high efficiency in water, energy, and fertilizer use (Boman et al., 2018). Irrigation control strategies are divided into open-loop systems ...

Drip Irrigation in Mining Operations. Drip irrigation equipment has many applications outside of growing crops; climate control for people and animals, water features and even mining operations.

 — Request PDF | A proper mode of using rice straw biochar to treat Cd-contaminated irrigation water in mining regions based on a multi-years in-situ experiment | Biochar has been widely used for ...

 — Agriculture is a major user of ground and surface water in the United States, and irrigation has enhanced both the productivity and profitability of the agricultural sector. According to the 2017 Census of Agriculture, farms with some form of irrigation accounted for more than 54 percent of the total value of U.S. crop sales, while irrigated land …

Consequently, Colorado farmers, politicians, and businesses developed sophisticated irrigation systems and complex laws for capturing, storing, and moving water from source to field. Beginnings Though irrigation in the West has been practiced for over a millennium, its continuous use in Colorado stems from the mid-1800s.

Ore-Max was a pioneer in the application of drip irrigation to gold and copper mines in the late 1980's. Previously the mines had used sprinklers which had many environmental and production limitations which were …

 — After AMD irrigation in mining areas, heavy metals are distributed among soil layers, but the influencing factors and mechanisms remain unclear. AMD contamination of surrounding soil is primarily attributed to surface runoff and irrigation and causes significant environmental degradation. A laboratory soil column experiment was conducted to ...

 — Total water use, by category of use, 2015. Thermoelectric power and irrigation remained the two largest uses of water in 2015, and total withdrawals decreased for thermoelectric power but increased for irrigation.; Withdrawals for thermoelectric power were 133 Bgal/d in 2015 and represented the lowest levels since before 1970.; Irrigation …

Nelson Irrigation was founded at the time of the sale and in the four decades since, NIC has led the irrigation industry with innovations such as Big Gun sprinklers, Rotator sprinklers, 3000 Series pivot products, 800 Series control valves and …

 — Guapinol Resiste, the local community's movement in response to the mining, said in a 2020 report that even before mining began, the construction of the facilities and roads had polluted both the ...

Mining & Industrial Irrigation Flo-Tek the leading manufacturer and supplier of plastic Pipes, Tanks, Fittings and Irrigation products, since 1998. Radical Investments (Pty) Ltd, trading as Flo-Tek Pipes & Irrigation was established in Botswana in 1998 manufacturing PVC pipes. In …

The sustainability of irrigation with gypsiferous mine-water and implications for the mining industry in South Africa. Mine Water and the Environment, vol. 21, no. 2. pp. 81-90. [ Links ]

Sprinkler irrigation in mining applications is mainly used for heap leaching of cooper, gold, uranium and nickel. Sprinklers are ideal for slope irrigation, evaporation, dust control, reforestation and can also be installed to …

Small-scale irrigation continues to cushion the food security gap in sub-Saharan Africa. Irrigation is largely governed by water availability, soil type and crop water requirements, among other factors. Thus, a study was conducted to assess the suitability of various water sources for irrigation in northern Ghana.

 — Throughout the world, irrigation (water for agriculture, or growing crops) is probably the most important use of water (except for drinking and washing a smelly dog, perhaps). Irrigation water is essential for keeping fruits, vegetables, and grains growing to feed the world's population, and this has been a constant for thousands of years.

Irrigation, in turn, did not become feasible during the boom of canals and stream diversion in mining. Thus it was not until the 1860s that large scale, irrigated farming became common. When major rail construction ended in the early 1870s, Chinese laborers moved easily into agriculture, proving themselves skilled farm workers and enterprising ...

 — Irrigated agriculture is adapting to viability challenges due to water contamination from mining in various ways. We explore the option of using crops that …

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